J. Beaucage and B. Haneveld

During the listing appointment with Rod, it became clear to both Bert and I that we had found the right Realtor. We were truly impressed with his easy going manner, thorough knowledge of the area and the current market situation, his professionalism and marketing strategy.

As you well know, it’s easy to be impressed with a skilled sales person. Results are what counts. So I need to say that Rod Friesen’s successful sale of our home in Chilliwack was just short of a small miracle.This sale took place during an incredible down turn in BC’s economy in which Chilliwack was hardest hit.

With an unbelievable 1600 plus listing in Chilliwack alone, his aggressive marketing strategy brought us 4, (can you believe it) offers over the course of 2 months. This happened when home buyers were as scarce as hen’ s teeth . With a careful eye to our true concerns and situation Rod found us two competing offers and negotiated a deal that we could accept. You’d think that would be where his service ended. You’d be wrong.

Bert and I had relocated to another province, so Rod took the time to find us a reasonably priced notary (almost impossible in BC) and kept careful watch over all things to ensure completion of the sale on time. We recommend without reservation Rod Friesen for your realtor. Realtor’s that are successful during boom times are a dime a dozen. Realtor’ s that are successful when things are bad are a rare breed. Rod is one of those!

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